Saturday, December 27, 2008

The very latest information on window bird feeders

Five Essential Food Groups You Need For Cellulite Prevention

Sat, 27 Dec 2008 08:57:29 -0800
Food pyramids are made in order to give you a guide in your daily eating habits. They need to be strictly followed so that your health will not be compromised. For your cellulite problems, a pyramid is also recommended. This is to ensure that you will prevent the occurrence of the ugly sight.

Pets hurt by credit crunch (Croydon Guardian)

Sat, 27 Dec 2008 06:08:17 -0800
The credit crunch isn’t just affecting people - it’s having a worrying effect on pets too. JAMIE HENDERSON reports.

Santa gunman had lost job, wife before gory attack

Sat, 27 Dec 2008 08:02:56 -0800
COVINA, Calif. – Bruce Pardo's ambitions rarely panned out quite as he envisioned... He lost his electrical engineering job. His marriage ended after two years. Even his planned getaway to Canada after a murderous rampage at his former in-laws' house ended instead in his suicide after he badly burned himself while torching the house.

Everything new on student loan consolidation ce

Perhaps it's time for a new church -- the Church of Gay.

Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:45:52 -0800
This will be a church and a religion with the following precepts (and ONLY the following precepts): 1. "Sexual orientation is OK" -- to the Church of Gay, being gay (or straight, or bi, or just not interested, for that matter) is ok, and any disagreement with the above precept is sacrilege and heresy. 2. The individual choice of marriage between