Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The very latest information on printer paper

Questioning Collective Ambition, by Tibor Machan

Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:42:04 -0800
"The American political tradition rejects the idea that for our lives to be meaningful we must get on board a train that goes to just one common place. It recognizes, instead, that human beings have some common purposes, yes, but mostly pursue their happiness in many different ways with ends that are themselves quite varied."

Questions on big families, adoption, etc.

Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:04:26 -0800
Today I am going to answer some of your questions on big families, adoption and good stuff like that. "How do you know when your family is complete?" I can hear my Dad laughing as I answer this as we have claimed that our family was "done" multiple times and then added another child. So, I admittedly may not be the best person to answer this question, but I will do my best. :) I think knowing that your family is "done" is a feeling that you get... a feeling of completeness. Some people feel t

Hundreds of dead birds in Franklin no threat to humans, pets, officials say (MyCentralJersey.com)

Tue, 27 Jan 2009 01:34:41 -0800
Somerset County officials and the township Web site offered residents reassurance that the hundreds of dead birds found on properties in the Griggstown section pose no threat to humans or pets.

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